Our attorneys are dedicated professionals who work tirelessly in their field, just like you do in yours. They don’t limit themselves to the current case but actively engage in legal, business, and community organizations. They constantly seek innovative solutions to legal problems. We think it’s just as important for lawyers to connect with their local community in ways that are both effective and personally fulfilling. So we make it a policy to support our entire staff in identifying and maintaining involvement with community and non-profits groups of their choice.
Kylie L. Hamilton
J. Ronald Jones, Jr.
Ned W. Mangum
Lynn Wilson McNally
Emily R. Murphy
Jerry T. Myers
John W. Narron
Jeff D. Rogers
Rachel E. Rogers
Kristin H. Ruth
Byron L. Saintsing
Melissa Tulis Smith
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We're more than just a law firm.
We are a dedicated team of professionals who genuinely care about our clients and their needs. Our mission is not just to provide legal solutions, but to deliver high-quality services that truly make a difference in your life.
We understand that your interests are of utmost importance, and we prioritize them above all else. With every case we handle, we strive to go above and beyond to ensure that you receive exceptional service and professionalism.