Child Support Lawyers in Raleigh and Surrounding Areas
Navigating the complexities of child support during a divorce can be overwhelming, both emotionally and financially. At Smith Debnam Attorneys at Law, we understand the importance of addressing your child support needs and questions with compassion, experience, and a deep commitment to securing the best outcome for you and your children. With our extensive experience in family law, we are here to guide divorcing couples in North Carolina through every step of the child support process.
Understanding the Child Support Guidelines In North Carolina
North Carolina Child Support Guidelines are in place to ensure that children receive the financial support they need when parents separate. Our knowledgeable team comprehends the intricacies of these guidelines and can help you navigate the calculation process. We provide personalized advice tailored to your unique circumstances, ensuring that you have a thorough understanding of how the guidelines apply to your case.
Enforcing Child Support Orders and Agreements
Enforcing child support obligations is crucial to ensuring the well-being of your children. At Smith Debnam, we are well-versed in the various methods available for enforcing child support orders and agreements. Our dedicated attorneys will explore the options best suited to your situation, advocating for your rights and the financial security of your children.
Addressing College Expenses
While the law does not require parents to pay for their child’s college expenses, it is an aspect that can be negotiated between parties. Our team can assist you in understanding your options regarding college expenses and guide you through the process of reaching a fair agreement that aligns with your financial capabilities and your child’s future aspirations.
Managing Healthcare Expenses
We recognize the importance of addressing a child’s healthcare expenses effectively. Whether it’s negotiating an agreement between parents or dividing expenses based on respective incomes, our attorneys will work tirelessly to protect your child’s well-being. We will ensure that healthcare expenses are appropriately allocated, leaving no financial burden unaddressed.
Understanding Dependency Exemptions
The Internal Revenue Code states that the parent with the child for the majority of overnights throughout the year should claim the dependency exemptions. However, specific agreements or court orders may deviate from this default rule. Our team will guide you through the process, considering your unique circumstances and ensuring that your rights are protected.
Clarifying Child Support and Alimony Distinctions
Child support and alimony are distinct forms of financial support. Child support is intended for the benefit of the child, while alimony provides support for a spouse or former spouse. Our attorneys will help you comprehend the differences between these two forms of support, ensuring that you have a clear understanding of your rights and obligations.
Tailoring Child Support to Custodial Arrangements
The amount of physical custody a parent has can impact child support calculations. When a child spends at least 123 nights per year with each parent, the child support obligation is adjusted to reflect this custodial arrangement. Our experienced team will assess your custody arrangements and ensure that the child support calculation accurately reflects your specific situation.
Determining Fair Child Support Child Support
Determining equitable child support is typically determined by applying the North Carolina Child Support Guidelines. However, there are situations where these guidelines may not be appropriate. In such cases, we will assess the specific financial needs of your child and the relative abilities of each parent to provide support. Our goal is to secure a fair and equitable child support arrangement that takes into account your family’s unique circumstances.
Child Support Duration
Child support generally continues until the child reaches 18 years of age or graduates from high school. Our attorneys will help you understand the duration of child support in your case, ensuring that you have a clear timeline for planning your child’s future.
Your Trusted Partners for Child Support Matters
When it comes to navigating child support matters in North Carolina, Smith Debnam Attorneys at Law is your trusted partner. With our unwavering commitment to delivering compassionate guidance, personalized strategies, and comprehensive legal support, we will help you secure a stable future for your children. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward resolving your child support needs with confidence.
Child Support Calculator
How much is child support in my state?
This child support calculator will help provide an estimate for the amount of child support that you may be responsible for paying. Child support payments are typically made by the noncustodial parent and are intended to help cover the cost of regular child care expenses. Formulas for the amount of child support obligation either party is required to pay are based on a variety of factors including the monthly gross income of each parent, along with the number of children who will be in the care of the custodial parent.
The use of the child support calculator is intended only to provide an estimate of monthly child support payments. Any final costs will be determined by a formal divorce agreement or court order. This support calculation is not a guarantee of the amount of child support you will be required to pay.
If you need help with your North Carolina child support case or are experiencing issues with your current custody arrangements, we encourage you to reach out to us. The skilled family law attorneys at Smith Debnam help our clients work through issues of support payments and custody every day. We can help you work out a solution that works best for both you and your children.
Tips for using the Child Support Calculator
- This calculator may be useful in determining a payment amount for a temporary child support order.
- Be sure that you have all of your monthly income information handy when you begin the calculation process. Any regular income, including self-employment income, can be used by the courts to determine the support calculation.
- Child support orders apply to the support of minor children. In North Carolina, child support payments are required until the child turns 18. However, there are some variables such as if the child is 18, but has not yet graduated high school.
- Enter in your information using whole numbers, with no decimal points. Round up to the nearest whole number.
- If you feel an item does not apply to you, enter a 0 for that item and it will not be counted in the calculation.
Remember that this calculation is only a guide. The actual amount you will pay will be mandated by a court order.

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